Questions that cannot be answered but you but you never do and that's percent of the time and hiccups when you're sleeping could probably do it Questions that cannot be answered I mean both of them would be really bad on but that feeling of sneezing I hate it that much I would have to do the hiccups I would just keep it very low key you know you begin to you know learn how to like.
Control it I guess to a point make it not obvious all right would you rather eat chocolate pudding that tastes like poo poo or eat poo poo that tastes like chocolate pudding whoa way let's go back here because let's reiterate this question actually okay we can't do that but let's just say eat chocolate pudding that is okay from a health standpoint you would rather eat the chocolate pudding because.
You know you don't want to eat whoo right that's bad for you that's wait um but it tastes not that right but or you can eat it something that tastes really good chocolate pudding but it has the negative health effects that come along with eating feces Oh No either those obviously not ideal um ah I mean if I eat eat the chocolate pudding that tastes like poop definitely a harder to do but in the end I probably not regret it as much as answer B so go with a on that one would you rather pee every time you stand up or poop every time you sit down are you actually kidding me bro that's messed up okay between the two I would have to do oh my god that one's too hard to answer though.
What what are these pictures either these pictures are really weird I'm so sorry but the question is too hard to answer probably pee every time I stand up probably that a scratch the board with your fingers every morning or eat your own boogers for Braga's bro scratch the board with your fingernails that you're not going to eat your boogers I'm disgusting like I don't know who would do that okay would you rather drink pee thinking it's apple juice or wake up and realize you had.
Diarrhea in your bed between the two it's a one time thing oh my god ah drink pee I guess but desirey and your ventra freaking terrible terrible so a definitely a would you rather drink a cup of liquid maggots ill or eat a whole Rock CJ oh oh oh okay both of those obviously disgusting I think taste wise the liquid maggots would be taste you know taste worse the health effects the raw chicken could give you worse worse ones because you know don't ever eat raw chicken because you can get diseases from that but I don't know like if maggots give you diseases I definitely think they are not.
Healthy at all I don't know if they give you direct disease of a Salmonella for chicken that's pretty bad you know what I'm saying so I'll just eat a whole raw chicken I guess because I don't know enough about question a so I do be would you rather be a girl with a mustache your whole life or a boy with permanent red lipstick definitely a boy with permanent red lipstick but either one of those not I do a put a toothpick in your toe and kick a wall or bite on a nail and file it wait why on a nail.
Pull it out as fast as possible hold up oh I see I see um oh I know what that is okay see I was trying to think of what B was but the nail file you go chain is right when you're putting your mouth and pull it out Oh that'd be terrible oh my god I mean if it's just a one-time thing I guess B I'd never tried it before but a toothpick and toe take the wall I know that's going to hurt really bad so B as of right now.
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