Now I think if you run a business that's got to be really important to think about your disruptor the next business that's going to kill you or disrupt your business entirely could be a teenager in Norway hacking a computer right now. And that's profound right then you don't need to have access to massive resources to be able to have a disruption impact I don't think whether you're Google or IBM and IBM's here or Price water house Coopers that you should underestimate the power of the disruption that's coming. And that means that if you're in those businesses you better be every day what should be keeping you up is rethinking your business and how you're gonna succeed in the future of technology again interesting I cover this the right brained advantage but that's really where the to me. It becomes clear that America's future of technology is in creative thinking and qualitative not quantitative necessarily the work and ...
you're kind of living with the bill questions that cannot be answered think like Halloween would you rather be an avatar or would you rather be the devil happy blue any day man and also because blue is closer to Green Green is the best color in the world we all know that so it all adds up you know I'm saying if you had to do one every morning would you rather need to milk yourself like a cow Billy cows or late an egg like a checkout buddy sorry me and my girlfriend in Santa actually have chickens we have three if I'm correct. yeah yeah they die sometimes you know the three chickens we have do lay eggs and they're the sweetest chickens in the whole wide world but I do think it hurts for them to lay little eggs EXE and I heard that cows like it when you make questions that cannot be answered by science them so would you rather milk yourself or lay an egg laying eggs gonna hurt man that's gonna hurt me didn't even the milk...