Fifteen tricky questions that will drive you insane you know like I need help questions that cannot be answered by science so let me ask you do you have questions that cannot be answered common sense if the answer is yes we're sure that after answering these questions you'll seriously doubt.
That let's see whether you'll be able to pass this tricky challenge question number one a rooster laid an egg on top of the barn roof which way did it wool try to guess in seconds questions that cannot be answered do you have your answer ready it doesn't matter which way you chose because you're wrong why roosters just only eggs props to you if you were attentive enough to get this one question number two.
Let's go a little easier and test your history knowledge what was the US presidents name in whether you like it or not it was still Donald J Trump names usually don't change with time facts on the other hand well let's not go there number three imagine you are in a questions that cannot be answered sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks bummer but it still doesn't mean that you should give up right how would you survive your ten seconds begin it seems like a hopeless situation.
I know but all you have to do is stop imagining voila your life is back to normal again question four if you had one match and entered a dark room which contained an oil lamp newspaper and some kindling wood which would you like first ten seconds on the clock there's no need to think about it for too long you already made a choice by lighting the match in the first place questions that cannot be answered number five.
Larry's father has five sons named ten twenty thirty forty and what's the name of his fifth son time is ticking questions that cannot be answered it's Larry's father which mean that hi fifth son's name is of course wait for it Larry did you get it tell us in the comments below question number six let's throw some math into the trash I mean into the mix and test your knowledge how many times can you subtract from you have seconds to think about it in fact you can do it only once next time you'll be subtracting from.
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